How to Play Promotion Like a Boss (Even If You're Not One)

The Goal: Become the workplace MVP, either by collecting four Skill Cards of the same color (think "synergy") and getting that sweet promotion, or by being the last office worker bee standing. Download the Official Rulebook

Promotion the Game cards being dealt into two stacks of five cards.

Shuffle and Deal

Deal five cards to each player, a mix of Skill Cards representing your diverse skillset and Action Cards to unleash workplace mayhem!

A player draws a red Skill Card from the deck.

Build Skills and Earn Actions

Draw a card from the deck, or, if the top discard pile resident is a Skill Card you want, grab it!

A player puts down a red Skill Card onto the discard pile.

Start Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Play a card from your hand to the discard pile. If you've got less than five cards (blame it on the "Course Correction"), draw until you've got a full hand again.

A player draws the dreaded Performance Improvement Plan card.

Avoid the Performance Improvement Plan

The "Performance Improvement Plan" is a one-way ticket out if the deck dries up. If there's still a game to be won (meaning more than one player left), shuffle the discard pile to make a new deck and keep the laughs rolling.

Player drawing a third green card and emphatically saying "I'm an amazing suck up!"

Proclaim your Dominance!

When you need just one more Skill Card to claim victory, shout "I'm an amazing suck-up!" Or else, prepare for a penalty: the player to your left snags two of your cards to go in the discard pile, and you're stuck twiddling your thumbs for two rounds.

Want a Promotion? (Without Actually Working for It?)

Master the Art of Office Politics and Backstabbing (in a Fun, Card-Game Kind of Way).

Let the Games Begin